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Biological nutrient based on amino acids with a high content of Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium enriched with a mixture of micronutrients 100% chelated by EDTA; Boron, Copper, Iron, Manganese, Molybdenum and Zinc.

L- free amino acids with trace elements to prevent and correct deficiencies

Caja - Iconos gratis de envío y entrega 500gr

Caja - Iconos gratis de envío y entrega 1kg

Caja - Iconos gratis de envío y entrega 5kg

Caja - Iconos gratis de envío y entrega 25kg

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Key points of the product

• L – fully active levorotatory amino acids.

• Amino acids 100% free, codifiable and assimilable.

• High concentration of Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium

• Rapid absorption and translocation of trace elements.

• Quick and effective solution.

• Helps to overcome situations of hydric and climatic stress.

• Encourages vegetal biological activation.

• Provides multiple effects on nutrition and prevention of deficiency states of micronutrients and facilitates optimal biological activity in plants.

• Effect of high bio-energetic value: Alternative source of free and active amino acids, which are incorporated into the metabolism of the plant, forming proteins that are responsible for a multitude of physiological processes.

• Anti-stress effect: It favors the plant’s resistance in situations of stress caused by heat or cold shock, drought, waterlogging or salinity, attack of diseases, pests or phytotoxicity.